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Santa maria norge as
Santa maria norge as
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7311311020629(EAN / EAN-13)
7311311020629(EAN / EAN-13)
Emballasje: en:50% plastic 50%paper
Merker: Santa maria norge as
Kategorier: en:Plant-based foods and beverages, en:Plant-based foods, en:Cereals and potatoes, en:Breads, en:Flatbreads, en:White breads, en:Wheat breads, en:Wheat flatbreads
Etiketter, sertifiseringer, priser: en:Organic
Sporbarhetskode: FSC-C068028
Samsvarer med dine preferanser
Nutri-Score C
Gjennomsnittlig ernæringskvalitet
⚠ ️Advarsel: mengden frukt, grønnsaker og nøtter er ikke spesifisert på etiketten, den ble anslått utfra ingredienslista: 5-
Discover the new Nutri-Score!
The computation of the Nutri-Score is evolving to provide better recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence.
Main improvements:
- Better score for some fatty fish and oils rich in good fats
- Better score for whole products rich in fiber
- Worse score for products containing a lot of salt or sugar
- Worse score for red meat (compared to poultry)
Hva er Nutri-Score?
Nutri-Score er en merkeordning som angir sunnhetsgraden til ulike matvarer.
Skåren fra A til E beregnes utfra næringsstoffer og matvarer som er anbefalt (proteiner, fiber, frukt, grønnsaker og belgfrukter ...) og næringsstoffer som bør begrenses (kalorier, mettet fett, sukker, salt). Skåren beregnes fra dataene i ernæringsfaktatabellen og sammensetningsdataene (frukt, grønnsaker og belgfrukter).
Negative poeng: 11/55
3/10 points (1268kJ)
Energy intakes above energy requirements are associated with increased risks of weight gain, overweight, obesity, and consequently risk of diet-related chronic diseases.
2/15 points (6.9g)
Et høyt inntak av sukker kan føre til økning i vekt og tannråte. Det øker også risikoen for diabetes type 2 og hjerte- og karsjukdommer.
Mettet fett
1/10 points (1.5g)
Et høyt inntak av fett, spesielt mettet fett, kan øke kolesterolet, som øker risikoen for hjertesjukdommer.
5/20 points (1.2g)
Et høyt inntak av salt (eller sodium) kan føre til et økt blodtrykk, som kan føre til høyere risiko for hjertesjukdom og slag.
Positive poeng: 1/10
1/5 points (3.3g)
Consuming foods rich in fiber (especially whole grain foods) reduces the risks of aerodigestive cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.
Frukt, grønnsaker og belgfrukter
0/5 points (0%)
Consuming foods rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes reduces the risks of aerodigestive cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.
Detaljer om beregningen av Nutri-Score
⚠ ️Advarsel: mengden frukt, grønnsaker og nøtter er ikke spesifisert på etiketten, den ble anslått utfra ingredienslista: 5Dette produktet regnes ikke som en drikke under beregningen av Nutri-Score.
Poeng for proteiner telles ikke fordi de negative poengene er større enn eller lik 11.
Ernæringsverdi: 10 (11 - 1)
Nutri-Score: C
Fett i moderat mengde (5.6%)
Fint å vite- Et høyt inntak av fett, spesielt mettet fett, kan øke kolesterolet, som øker risikoen for hjertesjukdommer.
Anbefaling: Reduser inntaket av fett og mettet fett- Velg produkter med lavere fett- og mettet fettinnhold.
Mettet fett i moderat mengde (1.5%)
Fint å vite- Et høyt inntak av fett, spesielt mettet fett, kan øke kolesterolet, som øker risikoen for hjertesjukdommer.
Anbefaling: Reduser inntaket av fett og mettet fett- Velg produkter med lavere fett- og mettet fettinnhold.
Sukkerarter i moderat mengde (6.9%)
Fint å vite- Et høyt inntak av sukker kan føre til økning i vekt og tannråte. Det øker også risikoen for diabetes type 2 og hjerte- og karsjukdommer.
Anbefaling: Begrens inntaket av sukker og sukkerholdige drikker- Sukkerholdige drikker (som brus, fruktdrikker, og fruktjuicer og nektar) burde begrenses så mye som mulig (ikke mer enn 1 glass om dagen).
- Velg produkter med lavt sukkerinnhold og reduser inntaket av produkter med tilsatt sukker.
Salt i moderat mengde (1.2%)
Fint å vite- Et høyt inntak av salt (eller sodium) kan føre til et økt blodtrykk, som kan føre til høyere risiko for hjertesjukdom og slag.
- Mange folk har høyt blodtrykk uten å vite det, siden det ofte ikke er noen symptomer.
- De fleste inntar for mye salt (i gjennomsnitt 9 til 12 gram per dag), cirka det dobbelte av den anbefalte høyeste mengden av inntak.
Anbefaling: Begrens inntaket av salt og saltet mat- Reduser mengden salt som brukes ved matlaging, og ikke salt igjen ved bordet.
- Begrens inntaket av salte snacks og velg produkter med lavere saltinnhold.
Ernæringsinnhold Som solgt
for 100 g / 100 mlSom solgt
per porsjon (1 tortilla (40 g))Sammenlignet med: en:White breads Energi 1 268 kj
(303 kcal)507 kj
(121 kcal)+6 % Fett 5,6 g 2,24 g −23 % Mettet fett 1,5 g 0,6 g −23 % Karbohydrat 54 g 21,6 g +17 % Sukkerarter 6,9 g 2,76 g +31 % Kostfiber 3,3 g 1,32 g +1 % Protein 7,3 g 2,92 g +3 % Salt 1,2 g 0,48 g +34 % Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 5,125 % 5,125 %
19 ingredienser
Melblanding (hvete (59%), fullkornshvete), vann, rapsolje, glukosesirup, salt, surdeigspulver (hvete)(1,0%), sukker, emulgator (lecithin), hevemiddel (natriumbicarbonat), surhetsregulerende middel (sitronsyre), stabilisator (xanthangummi).Allergener: Gluten
Ultrabearbeidede matvarer
5 ultra-processing markers
Limit ultra-processed foods
Limiting ultra-processed foods reduces the risk of noncommunicable chronic diseases
Several studies have found that a lower consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with a reduced risk of noncommunicable chronic diseases, such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Kilde: Ultra-processed foods increase noncommunicable chronic disease risk
Elementer som indikerer at produkter er i en:4 - Ultra processed food and drink products-gruppen:
- Tilsetningsstoff: E322 - Lecitiner
- Tilsetningsstoff: E415 - Xantangummi
- Ingrediens: Emulgeringsmiddel
- Ingrediens: Glukose
- Ingrediens: Glukosesirup
Matvarer er inndelt i 4 grupper i henhold til bearbeidingsgraden:
- Ubearbeidet eller minimalt bearbeidet mat
- Bearbeidede kulinariske ingredienser
- Bearbeidet mat
- Ultrabearbeidede matvarer
Bestemmelsen av gruppa er basert på kategorien til produktet og på ingrediensene den inneholder.
E322 - Lecitiner
Lecithin: Lecithin -UK: , US: , from the Greek lekithos, "egg yolk"- is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances -and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic-, and are used for smoothing food textures, dissolving powders -emulsifying-, homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials.Lecithins are mixtures of glycerophospholipids including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid.Lecithin was first isolated in 1845 by the French chemist and pharmacist Theodore Gobley. In 1850, he named the phosphatidylcholine lécithine. Gobley originally isolated lecithin from egg yolk—λέκιθος lekithos is "egg yolk" in Ancient Greek—and established the complete chemical formula of phosphatidylcholine in 1874; in between, he had demonstrated the presence of lecithin in a variety of biological matters, including venous blood, in human lungs, bile, human brain tissue, fish eggs, fish roe, and chicken and sheep brain. Lecithin can easily be extracted chemically using solvents such as hexane, ethanol, acetone, petroleum ether, benzene, etc., or extraction can be done mechanically. It is usually available from sources such as soybeans, eggs, milk, marine sources, rapeseed, cottonseed, and sunflower. It has low solubility in water, but is an excellent emulsifier. In aqueous solution, its phospholipids can form either liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles, or lamellar structures, depending on hydration and temperature. This results in a type of surfactant that usually is classified as amphipathic. Lecithin is sold as a food additive and dietary supplement. In cooking, it is sometimes used as an emulsifier and to prevent sticking, for example in nonstick cooking spray.Kilde: Wikipedia (Engelsk)
Lecithin: Lecithin -UK: , US: , from the Greek lekithos, "egg yolk"- is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances -and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic-, and are used for smoothing food textures, dissolving powders -emulsifying-, homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials.Lecithins are mixtures of glycerophospholipids including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid.Lecithin was first isolated in 1845 by the French chemist and pharmacist Theodore Gobley. In 1850, he named the phosphatidylcholine lécithine. Gobley originally isolated lecithin from egg yolk—λέκιθος lekithos is "egg yolk" in Ancient Greek—and established the complete chemical formula of phosphatidylcholine in 1874; in between, he had demonstrated the presence of lecithin in a variety of biological matters, including venous blood, in human lungs, bile, human brain tissue, fish eggs, fish roe, and chicken and sheep brain. Lecithin can easily be extracted chemically using solvents such as hexane, ethanol, acetone, petroleum ether, benzene, etc., or extraction can be done mechanically. It is usually available from sources such as soybeans, eggs, milk, marine sources, rapeseed, cottonseed, and sunflower. It has low solubility in water, but is an excellent emulsifier. In aqueous solution, its phospholipids can form either liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles, or lamellar structures, depending on hydration and temperature. This results in a type of surfactant that usually is classified as amphipathic. Lecithin is sold as a food additive and dietary supplement. In cooking, it is sometimes used as an emulsifier and to prevent sticking, for example in nonstick cooking spray.Kilde: Wikipedia (Engelsk)
E330 - Sitronsyre
Citric acid: Citric acid is a weak organic acid that has the chemical formula C6H8O7. It occurs naturally in citrus fruits. In biochemistry, it is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle, which occurs in the metabolism of all aerobic organisms. More than a million tons of citric acid are manufactured every year. It is used widely as an acidifier, as a flavoring and chelating agent.A citrate is a derivative of citric acid; that is, the salts, esters, and the polyatomic anion found in solution. An example of the former, a salt is trisodium citrate; an ester is triethyl citrate. When part of a salt, the formula of the citrate ion is written as C6H5O3−7 or C3H5O-COO-3−3.Kilde: Wikipedia (Engelsk)
E415 - Xantangummi
Xanthan gum: Xanthan gum -- is a polysaccharide with many industrial uses, including as a common food additive. It is an effective thickening agent and stabilizer to prevent ingredients from separating. It can be produced from simple sugars using a fermentation process, and derives its name from the species of bacteria used, Xanthomonas campestris.Kilde: Wikipedia (Engelsk)
E500 - Natriumkarbonater
Sodium carbonate: Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, -also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals, and in the monohydrate form as crystal carbonate- is the water-soluble sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline decahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odorless powder that is hygroscopic -absorbs moisture from the air-. It has a strongly alkaline taste, and forms a moderately basic solution in water. Sodium carbonate is well known domestically for its everyday use as a water softener. Historically it was extracted from the ashes of plants growing in sodium-rich soils, such as vegetation from the Middle East, kelp from Scotland and seaweed from Spain. Because the ashes of these sodium-rich plants were noticeably different from ashes of timber -used to create potash-, they became known as "soda ash". It is synthetically produced in large quantities from salt -sodium chloride- and limestone by a method known as the Solvay process. The manufacture of glass is one of the most important uses of sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate acts as a flux for silica, lowering the melting point of the mixture to something achievable without special materials. This "soda glass" is mildly water-soluble, so some calcium carbonate is added to the melt mixture to make the glass produced insoluble. This type of glass is known as soda lime glass: "soda" for the sodium carbonate and "lime" for the calcium carbonate. Soda lime glass has been the most common form of glass for centuries. Sodium carbonate is also used as a relatively strong base in various settings. For example, it is used as a pH regulator to maintain stable alkaline conditions necessary for the action of the majority of photographic film developing agents. It acts as an alkali because when dissolved in water, it dissociates into the weak acid: carbonic acid and the strong alkali: sodium hydroxide. This gives sodium carbonate in solution the ability to attack metals such as aluminium with the release of hydrogen gas.It is a common additive in swimming pools used to raise the pH which can be lowered by chlorine tablets and other additives which contain acids. In cooking, it is sometimes used in place of sodium hydroxide for lyeing, especially with German pretzels and lye rolls. These dishes are treated with a solution of an alkaline substance to change the pH of the surface of the food and improve browning. In taxidermy, sodium carbonate added to boiling water will remove flesh from the bones of animal carcasses for trophy mounting or educational display. In chemistry, it is often used as an electrolyte. Electrolytes are usually salt-based, and sodium carbonate acts as a very good conductor in the process of electrolysis. In addition, unlike chloride ions, which form chlorine gas, carbonate ions are not corrosive to the anodes. It is also used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations because it is solid and air-stable, making it easy to weigh accurately.Kilde: Wikipedia (Engelsk)
E500ii - Natriumbikarbonat
Sodium carbonate: Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, -also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals, and in the monohydrate form as crystal carbonate- is the water-soluble sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline decahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odorless powder that is hygroscopic -absorbs moisture from the air-. It has a strongly alkaline taste, and forms a moderately basic solution in water. Sodium carbonate is well known domestically for its everyday use as a water softener. Historically it was extracted from the ashes of plants growing in sodium-rich soils, such as vegetation from the Middle East, kelp from Scotland and seaweed from Spain. Because the ashes of these sodium-rich plants were noticeably different from ashes of timber -used to create potash-, they became known as "soda ash". It is synthetically produced in large quantities from salt -sodium chloride- and limestone by a method known as the Solvay process. The manufacture of glass is one of the most important uses of sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate acts as a flux for silica, lowering the melting point of the mixture to something achievable without special materials. This "soda glass" is mildly water-soluble, so some calcium carbonate is added to the melt mixture to make the glass produced insoluble. This type of glass is known as soda lime glass: "soda" for the sodium carbonate and "lime" for the calcium carbonate. Soda lime glass has been the most common form of glass for centuries. Sodium carbonate is also used as a relatively strong base in various settings. For example, it is used as a pH regulator to maintain stable alkaline conditions necessary for the action of the majority of photographic film developing agents. It acts as an alkali because when dissolved in water, it dissociates into the weak acid: carbonic acid and the strong alkali: sodium hydroxide. This gives sodium carbonate in solution the ability to attack metals such as aluminium with the release of hydrogen gas.It is a common additive in swimming pools used to raise the pH which can be lowered by chlorine tablets and other additives which contain acids. In cooking, it is sometimes used in place of sodium hydroxide for lyeing, especially with German pretzels and lye rolls. These dishes are treated with a solution of an alkaline substance to change the pH of the surface of the food and improve browning. In taxidermy, sodium carbonate added to boiling water will remove flesh from the bones of animal carcasses for trophy mounting or educational display. In chemistry, it is often used as an electrolyte. Electrolytes are usually salt-based, and sodium carbonate acts as a very good conductor in the process of electrolysis. In addition, unlike chloride ions, which form chlorine gas, carbonate ions are not corrosive to the anodes. It is also used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations because it is solid and air-stable, making it easy to weigh accurately.Kilde: Wikipedia (Engelsk)
Analyse av ingredienser:
en:Palm oil free
Ingen ingredienser som inneholder palmeolje ble oppdaget
Ugjenkjente ingredienser: fr:poudre-deshydratee, fr:contient-18-de-grain-completNoen ingredienser kunne ikke gjenkjennes.
Vi trenger din hjelp!
Du kan hjelpe oss med å gjenkjenne flere ingredienser og bedre analysere ingredienslista for dette produktet og andre ved å:
- Rediger denne produktsiden for å korrigere skrivefeil i ingredienslista, og/eller for å fjerne ingredienser på andre språk og setninger som ikke er knyttet til ingrediensene.
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en:Vegan status unknown
Ugjenkjente ingredienser: fr:poudre-deshydratee, fr:contient-18-de-grain-completNoen ingredienser kunne ikke gjenkjennes.
Vi trenger din hjelp!
Du kan hjelpe oss med å gjenkjenne flere ingredienser og bedre analysere ingredienslista for dette produktet og andre ved å:
- Rediger denne produktsiden for å korrigere skrivefeil i ingredienslista, og/eller for å fjerne ingredienser på andre språk og setninger som ikke er knyttet til ingrediensene.
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en:Vegetarian status unknown
Ugjenkjente ingredienser: fr:poudre-deshydratee, fr:contient-18-de-grain-completNoen ingredienser kunne ikke gjenkjennes.
Vi trenger din hjelp!
Du kan hjelpe oss med å gjenkjenne flere ingredienser og bedre analysere ingredienslista for dette produktet og andre ved å:
- Rediger denne produktsiden for å korrigere skrivefeil i ingredienslista, og/eller for å fjerne ingredienser på andre språk og setninger som ikke er knyttet til ingrediensene.
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Detaljer fra analysen av ingrediensene
Vi trenger din hjelp!
Noen ingredienser kunne ikke gjenkjennes.
Vi trenger din hjelp!
Du kan hjelpe oss med å gjenkjenne flere ingredienser og bedre analysere ingredienslista for dette produktet og andre ved å:
- Rediger denne produktsiden for å korrigere skrivefeil i ingredienslista, og/eller for å fjerne ingredienser på andre språk og setninger som ikke er knyttet til ingrediensene.
- Legg inn nye oppføringer, synonymer eller oversettelser til våre flerspråklige ingredienslister, ingrediensbearbeidingsmetoder, og etiketter.
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fr: Mélange de farines (BLÉ 59%, BLE), eau, huile de colza, sirop de glucose, sel, poudre déshydratée (BLÉ), sucre, émulsifiant (lécithine), poudre à lever (bicarbonate de sodium), correcteur d'acidité (acide citrique), stabilisant (gomme xanthane), Contient 18% de grain complet- Mélange de farines -> en:flour-blend - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent_min: 59 - percent_max: 100
- BLÉ -> en:wheat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent_min: 59 - percent: 59 - percent_max: 59
- BLE -> en:wheat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 41
- eau -> en:water - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18066 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 41
- huile de colza -> en:colza-oil - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: no - ciqual_food_code: 17130 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
- sirop de glucose -> en:glucose-syrup - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 20.5
- sel -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- poudre déshydratée -> fr:poudre-deshydratee - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- BLÉ -> en:wheat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- sucre -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- émulsifiant -> en:emulsifier - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- lécithine -> en:e322i - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- poudre à lever -> en:raising-agent - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- bicarbonate de sodium -> en:e500ii - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- correcteur d'acidité -> en:acidity-regulator - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- acide citrique -> en:e330 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- stabilisant -> en:stabiliser - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- gomme xanthane -> en:e415 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
- Contient 18% de grain complet -> fr:contient-18-de-grain-complet - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.2
Green-Score A
Veldig lavt miljøavtrykk
Green-Scoren er en eksperimentell poengsum som oppsummerer miljøavtrykket til matprodukter.→ Green-Scoren ble opprinnelig utviklet for Frankrike og den blir nå utvidet til andre europeiske land. Green-Score-formelen er i stadig endring og forbedres jevnlig for å gjøre den mer presis og bedre egnet til hvert land.Livssyklusanalyse
Gjennomsnittlig avtrykk for produkter i samme kategori: A+ (Score: 93/100)
Kategori: Wheat tortilla wrap, to be filled
Kategori: Wheat tortilla wrap, to be filled
- PEF-miljøscore: 0.16 (jo lavere poengsum, jo lavere avtrykk)
- inkludert innvirkning på klimaendringer: 1.13 kg CO2-ekv./kg produkt
Trinn Påvirkning Landbruk Bearbeiding Emballasje Transport Distribusjon Forbruk
Fordeler og ulemper
Mangler ingrediensopprinnelsesinformasjon
Ulempe: -5
⚠ ️ Opprinnelsen til ingrediensene til produktet er ikke angitt.
Hvis det er indikert på emballasjen, kan du redigere produktsiden og legge det til.
Hvis du er produsenten av produktet, kan du sende oss informasjon gjennom vår gratis plattform for produsenter.
Emballasje med moderat avtrykk
Ulempe: -10
Form Material Resirkulering Påvirkning Unknown Plastic Høy ⚠ ️ Informasjonen om emballasjen til dette produktet er ikke tilstrekkelig presis (eksakte former og materialer av alle komponenter i emballasjen).⚠ ️ For en mer presis beregning av Green-Scoren, kan du modifisere produktsiden og legge dem til.
Hvis du er produsenten av produktet, kan du sende oss informasjon gjennom vår gratis plattform for produsenter.
Green-Score for dette produktet
Avtrykk for dette produktet: A (Score: 78/100)
Produkt: Santa maria norge as
Livssyklusanalysescore: 93
Sum av fordeler og ulemper: -15
Endelig poengsum: 78/100
Likt som å kjøre 0.6 km i en bensinbil
113 g CO₂e per 100g of product
Karbonutslippstallet kommer fra ADEME's Agribalyse database, for kategorien: Wheat tortilla wrap, to be filled (Kilde: Ademe Agribalyse Database)
Trinn Påvirkning Landbruk Bearbeiding Emballasje Transport Distribusjon Forbruk
Emballasje med moderat avtrykk
Material % Emballasjevekt Plastic
Opprinnelsen til ingredienser
Mangler ingrediensopprinnelsesinformasjon
⚠ ️ Opprinnelsen til ingrediensene til produktet er ikke angitt.
Hvis det er indikert på emballasjen, kan du redigere produktsiden og legge det til.
Hvis du er produsenten av produktet, kan du sende oss informasjon gjennom vår gratis plattform for produsenter.Legg til opprinnelsen til ingrediensene i dette produktet
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Incomplete or incorrect information?
Category, labels, ingredients, allergens, nutritional information, photos etc.
If the information does not match the information on the packaging, you can complete or correct it. Thank you! Open Food Facts is a collaborative database, and every contribution is useful for all.If you want to report vandalism, inappropriate content or erroneous data you can't fix yourself, report it to our moderators team.
Produkt lagt til av openfoodfacts-contributors
Siste redigering av produktsiden den av macrofactor.
Produktside også redigert av additives-app-chakib, anonymous-h4fe4z22fq, djedje7141, foodvisor, inf, odinh, packbot, roboto-app.